September 2012 - The Square Inch Houston Missional Community was started as a "house church" with a small team of mission-minded people who gathered weekly around rhythms of worship to God, growth as a community, and service to our neighborhood and city.
February 2017 - Square Inch Houston Inch became a 501(c)(3) with the mission to achieve educational justice, form Christ-like leaders, and join in the transformation of the historic Third Ward neighborhood by launching a leadership development program for college students.
August 2019 - The SALT Scholars Program was born and launched with students from Texas Southern University.
April 2023 - Launch Taste & See Capital Campaign to build SALT
Scholars Residence in the Third Ward.
We believe God is making all things new! He is restoring wholeness to every square inch of our neighborhood. God invites all to be agents of transformation. We want to join in this renewal - and extend this invitation to all - to bring about social and spiritual flourishing in our community.
There is not a square inch in the whole of creation over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: “Mine!”
— Abraham Kuyper
SALT Scholars Program
Square Inch Scholarship for Academics, Leadership, and Transformation (SALT)
A yearlong Discipleship, Leadership Formation, and Community Engagement program that offers college students an opportunity to be mentored and invested in by local community leaders in the Greater Third Ward. Surrounded by a supportive network, these students will be shaped into wholehearted justice-driven leaders who take ownership of the social and spiritual renewal of the Greater Third Ward community.
We do not want to be passive recipients of our neighborhood’s destiny. We want to be active creators of its future.
— Dr. Assata Richards