What is SALT?
Square Inch Scholarship for Academics, Leadership and Transformation (SALT) is a yearlong Discipleship, Leadership Formation, and Community Engagement program that offers college students an opportunity to be mentored and invested in by local community leaders in the Greater Third Ward. Surrounded by a supportive network, these students will be shaped into wholehearted justice-driven leaders who take ownership of the social and spiritual renewal of the Greater Third Ward community.
This program runs during the academic year, beginning in the Fall and we are inviting students who meet the following criteria to apply for an opportunity to be discipled and mentored for a year, while being awarded a financial scholarship of $2,000 per semester (Fall and Spring) towards their tuition for the academic year. Preferred eligibility criteria are:
Currently enrolled full-time at a degree-granting institution in Houston.
Students with a G.P.A. of at least 2.5.
Students who currently live in the Greater Third Ward (either on/off-campus housing)
Students who are passionate about justice, mentoring, and leadership
Students open to Christianity and Christ-like formation
2024/2025 SALT Scholars
You are the salt of the earth.
— Matthew 5:13